The Demo Reel featuring work I’ve done for Morningstar and the independent web documentary I did.

Prices for gold soared this past summer, but why, who is buying it, and why is gold considered a safe haven but cryptocurrency is not? I stopped editing and stepped out from behind the MacBook Pro to get the answers to those questions. Note: I did use the iPhone 12 Pro on my end. We recorded the video via a web service but I synced up the video I did remotely with it.

I wrote and edited this quick overview of 529 College Savings Plans for Morningstar.

Due to COVID-19 the annual Morningstar Investment Conference went all digital. I co-wrote and directed this video to open the conference. We wanted to make an action film spoof that had a little fun with the Zoom glitches we have all faced during the past year.

Amazon is everywhere. I wrote and edited this video that gives an overview of the company.